Where To Find Gnarled Thick Stick

The Gnarled Thick Stick is most commonly found within the East Necluda, Gerudo Highlands locations in Zelda TotK.

Gnarled Thick Stick Map contents
Location Type Subtype Description Show on map

Gnarled Thick Stick Fuse Combinations

You can fuse 73 objects with the Gnarled Thick Stick in Zelda TotK. Such as fusing with Shock Like Stone (Adds Shock Damage) and Ice Like Stone (Adds Cold Damage) are just a few of the many fusion options.

Gnarled Thick Stick Fuse Combination
Fuse Effect Materials
Adds Fire Damage
Adds Cold Damage
Adds Shock Damage
Heals 0.25 Heart per enemy hit
Extends Weapon Range on attack
Ore Fusions
Adds Water Damage