Guides Pokedex

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wartortle

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wartortle is a Water Type Turtle Pokémon, which makes it weak against Grass, Electric type moves. You can find and catch Wartortle using our guide below on How To Obtain this pokemon. The Max IV Stats of Wartortle are 59 HP, 63 Attack, 65 SP Attack, 80 Defense, 80 SP Defense, and 58 Speed.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wartortle
Wartortle Galar Pokedex ID: Foreign

List of Wartortle Max IV Stats in Pokemon SW SH.

Stat Amount Bar Graph
Total 405
HP 59
Attack 63
Defense 80
Special Attack 65
Special Defense 80
Speed 58

Based on this pokemon's stats we consider the best nature for Wartortle to have is Sassy, this will increase it's Sp. Def and decrease it's Speed stats.

Wartortle Abilities

Ability Type Effect
Rain DishHidden

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wartortle Evolutions

How do i get Wartortle's evolution in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

Pokemon Sword and Shield Squirtle evolves into Wartortle when you reach Level 16. Wartortle then evolves into its final evolution Blastoise when you reach Level 36.

Level 16
Level 36
Pokemon CP Atk Def Sp Atk Sp Def Hp Spd

Wartortle Locations in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Where do i find and how to get Wartortle?

Wartortle does not normally spawn in the wild, you will need to find this pokemon using a different method.


Pokemon Sword and Shield Wartortle Raids

Where do i find Wartortle Raids?

This pokemon does not spawn as a raid.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wartortle Weakness

Wartortle is a Water Type pokemon. This will cause it to take More Damage from Grass, Electric Type Moves and will take Less Damage from Steel, Fire, Water, Ice type moves.

Damage Types
Immune to Damage

What pokemon is Wartortle Weak Against?

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 CP

What pokemon is Wartortle Strong Against?

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 CP

Pokemon SW and SH Wartortle Moves List

What moves can Wartortle learn from TMs, TRs, and Leveling?

Wartortle can learn the type move at level . This move Bolded Pow numbers are adjusted for this pokemon's Water type +50% STAB damage.

Wartortle Level Up Moves

Lvl Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
01[] Tackle
01[] Tail Whip
01[] Water Gun
01[] Withdraw
09[] Rapid Spin
12[] Bite
15[] Water Pulse
20[] Protect
25[] Rain Dance
30[] Aqua Tail
35[] Shell Smash
40[] Iron Defense
45[] Hydro Pump
50[] Skull Bash

TM Moves Wartortle can learn

TM Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
TM00Mega PunchPhysical808520
TM01Mega KickPhysical120755
TM04Ice PunchPhysical7510015May freeze opponent.
TM15DigPhysical8010010Digs underground on first turn, attacks on second. Can also escape from caves.
TM21RestStatus10User sleeps for 2 turns, but user is fully healed.
TM24SnoreSpecial5010015Can only be used if asleep. May cause flinching.
TM25ProtectStatus10Protects the user, but may fail if used consecutively.
TM27Icy WindSpecial559515Lowers opponent's Speed.
TM31AttractStatus10015If opponent is the opposite gender, it's less likely to attack.
TM33Rain DanceStatus5Makes it rain for 5 turns.
TM35HailStatus10Non-Ice types are damaged for 5 turns.
TM36WhirlpoolSpecial52.58515Traps opponent, damaging them for 4-5 turns.
TM39FacadePhysical7010020Power doubles if user is burned, poisoned, or paralyzed.
TM41Helping HandStatus20In Double Battles, boosts the power of the partner's move.
TM43Brick BreakPhysical7510015Breaks through Reflect and Light Screen barriers.
TM45DivePhysical12010010Dives underwater on first turn, attacks on second turn.
TM46Weather BallSpecial5010010Move's power and type changes with the weather.
TM48Rock TombPhysical609515Lowers opponent's Speed.
TM55BrineSpecial97.510010Power doubles if opponent's HP is less than 50%.
TM59FlingPhysical10010Power depends on held item.
TM76RoundSpecial6010015Power increases if teammates use it in the same turn.
TM94False SwipePhysical4010040Always leaves opponent with at least 1 HP.

Wartortle TR Moves

TR Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
TR01Body SlamPhysical8510015May paralyze opponent.
TR03Hydro PumpSpecial165805
TR04SurfSpecial13510015Hits all adjacent Pokémon.
TR05Ice BeamSpecial9010010May freeze opponent.
TR06BlizzardSpecial110705May freeze opponent.
TR16WaterfallPhysical12010015May cause flinching.
TR20SubstituteStatus10Uses HP to creates a decoy that takes hits.
TR26EndureStatus10Always left with at least 1 HP, but may fail if used consecutively.
TR27Sleep TalkStatus10User performs one of its own moves while sleeping.
TR31Iron TailPhysical1007515May lower opponent's Defense.
TR45Muddy WaterSpecial1358510May lower opponent's Accuracy.
TR46Iron DefenseStatus15Sharply raises user's Defense.
TR52Gyro BallPhysical1005The slower the user, the stronger the attack.
TR56Aura SphereSpecial8020Ignores Accuracy and Evasiveness.
TR62Dragon PulseSpecial8510010
TR69Zen HeadbuttPhysical809015May cause flinching.
TR84ScaldSpecial12010015May burn opponent.
TR85Work UpStatus30Raises user's Attack and Special Attack.

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