Guides Pokedex

Pokemon Sword and Shield Alcremie

Pokemon Sword and Shield Alcremie is a Fairy Type, which makes it weak against Poison, Steel type moves. You can find and catch Alcremie in Route 4 with a 20% chance to encounter during All Weather weather when walking through tall grass. The Max IV Stats of Alcremie are 65 HP, 60 Attack, 110 SP Attack, 75 Defense, 121 SP Defense, and 64 Speed.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Alcremie
Alcremie Galar Pokedex ID: 186

List of Alcremie Max IV Stats in Pokemon SW SH.

Stat Amount Bar Graph
Total 495
HP 65
Attack 60
Defense 75
Special Attack 110
Special Defense 121
Speed 64

Based on this pokemon's stats we consider the best nature for Alcremie to have is Calm, this will increase it's Sp. Def and decrease it's Attack stats.

Alcremie Abilities

Ability Type Effect
Sweet VeilNormal
Aroma VeilHidden

Sword Pokedex Entry

When it trusts a Trainer, it will treat them to berries it’s decorated with cream.

Shield Pokedex Entry

When Alcremie is content, the cream it secretes from its hands becomes sweeter and richer.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Gigantamax Alcremie

Gigantamax Alcremie

Gigantamax Sword Pokedex Entry

Cream pours endlessly from this Pokémon's body. The cream stiffens when compressed by an impact. A harder impact results in harder cream.

Gigantamax Shield Pokedex Entry

It launches swarms of missiles, each made of cream and loaded with 100,000 kilocalories. Get hit by one of these, and your head will swim.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Alcremie Evolutions

How do i evolve Alcremie in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

Pokemon Sword and Shield Milcery evolves into Alcremie with a spin around holding Sweet.

spin around holding Sweet
Pokemon CP Atk Def Sp Atk Sp Def Hp Spd

Alcremie Locations in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Where do i find and how to get Alcremie?

Spawn locations you can find Milcery are in the Route 4 area, with a 20% chance to spawn during All Weather weather.

Non Overworld Spawns (NOT Visible - Randomly found in tall grass)

Pokemon Location Weather Spawn Lvl
Route 4
20%13 - 15
Bridge Field
30%26 - 28
Giant's Mirror
32%26 - 28

Pokemon Sword and Shield Alcremie Raids

Where do i find Alcremie Raids?

You can find Alcremie raids in the following locations: Bridge Field, Lake of Outrage, Gigantamax Raid Battles.

You can Click/Tap the links below to view where to find Alcremie Raid Spawn Locations in Pokemon Sw and Sh.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Alcremie Weakness

Alcremie is a Fairy Type pokemon. This will cause it to take More Damage from Poison, Steel Type Moves and will take Less Damage from Fighting, Bug, Dark, Dragon type moves.

Damage Types
Immune to Damage

What pokemon is Alcremie Weak Against?

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 CP

What pokemon is Alcremie Strong Against?

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 CP

Pokemon SW and SH Alcremie Moves List

What moves can Alcremie learn from TMs, TRs, and Leveling?

Alcremie can learn the type move at level . This move Bolded Pow numbers are adjusted for this pokemon's Fairy type +50% STAB damage.

Alcremie Level Up Moves

Lvl Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
00[] Decorate
01[] Tackle
01[] Aromatic Mist
01[] Sweet Kiss
01[] Sweet Scent
15[] Draining Kiss
20[] Aromatherapy
25[] Attract
30[] Acid Armor
35[] Dazzling Gleam
40[] Recover
45[] Misty Terrain
50[] Entrainment

TM Moves Alcremie can learn

TM Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
TM08Hyper BeamSpecial150905User must recharge next turn.
TM09Giga ImpactPhysical150905User must recharge next turn.
TM10Magical LeafSpecial6020Ignores Accuracy and Evasiveness.
TM11Solar BeamSpecial12010010Charges on first turn, attacks on second.
TM17Light ScreenStatus30Halves damage from Special attacks for 5 turns.
TM19SafeguardStatus25The user's party is protected from status conditions.
TM21RestStatus10User sleeps for 2 turns, but user is fully healed.
TM24SnoreSpecial5010015Can only be used if asleep. May cause flinching.
TM25ProtectStatus10Protects the user, but may fail if used consecutively.
TM28Giga DrainSpecial7510010User recovers half the HP inflicted on opponent.
TM29CharmStatus10020Sharply lowers opponent's Attack.
TM31AttractStatus10015If opponent is the opposite gender, it's less likely to attack.
TM39FacadePhysical7010020Power doubles if user is burned, poisoned, or paralyzed.
TM41Helping HandStatus20In Double Battles, boosts the power of the partner's move.
TM44ImprisonStatus10Opponent is unable to use moves that the user also knows.
TM47Fake TearsStatus10020Sharply lowers opponent's Special Defense.
TM59FlingPhysical10010Power depends on held item.
TM63Drain PunchPhysical7510010User recovers half the HP inflicted on opponent.
TM71Wonder RoomStatus10Swaps every Pokémon's Defense and Special Defense for 5 turns.
TM72Magic RoomStatus10Suppresses the effects of held items for five turns.
TM76RoundSpecial6010015Power increases if teammates use it in the same turn.
TM87Draining KissSpecial7510010User recovers most the HP inflicted on opponent.
TM89Misty TerrainStatus10Protects the field from status conditions for 5 turns.
TM92Mystical FireSpecial7510010Lowers opponent's Special Attack.

Alcremie TR Moves

TR Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
TR11PsychicSpecial9010010May lower opponent's Special Defense.
TR14MetronomeStatus10User performs almost any move in the game at random.
TR19Tri AttackSpecial8010010May paralyze, burn or freeze opponent.
TR20SubstituteStatus10Uses HP to creates a decoy that takes hits.
TR25PsyshockSpecial8010010Inflicts damage based on the target's Defense, not Special Defense.
TR26EndureStatus10Always left with at least 1 HP, but may fail if used consecutively.
TR27Sleep TalkStatus10User performs one of its own moves while sleeping.
TR30EncoreStatus1005Forces opponent to keep using its last move for 3 turns.
TR49Calm MindStatus20Raises user's Special Attack and Special Defense.
TR65Energy BallSpecial9010010May lower opponent's Special Defense.
TR82Stored PowerSpecial2010010Power increases when user's stats have been raised.
TR90Play RoughPhysical1359010May lower opponent's Attack.
TR92Dazzling GleamSpecial12010010Hits all adjacent opponents.

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