Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Twink Hunter Build Guide for Level 19 Battlegrounds. We rank the Best Races to use for Twinking and the Best Gear such as Weapons, Hands and Bracers when using this build in Classic WoW. We have many Talent Skill Tree builds to choose from and our recommend one that we consider to be the best.
Twink Hunter Best Race
The Best Twink Hunter Races are ranked below from best to weak, we recommend Orc as it’s Racial Traits are very strong for the Hunter Class and in PVP Battlegrounds. If you play Alliance then the Dwarves are a strong Twink Race thanks to their Stoneform which is useful in PVP.
- Best –
Night Elf,
- Average –
- Weak –
- Not Available –
World of Warcraft Classic Best Twink Hunter Build
Twink Hunter Gear Build
Below we have a guide for the Best Gear for Twink Hunter that is Level 19, this guide detail the Best In Slot Armor and Weapons. We also provided Enchants you can use on each piece of gear, these are located within the Brackets [Enchant Name]. If you have trouble finding the gear we listed below in your server you can use different options instead. Gear Options may be exclusive to a certain faction and will be highlighted with colour next to its name.
- Head – Green Tinted Goggles [Lesser Arcanum of Constitution] OR [Lesser Arcanum of Voracity]
- Back – Sentry Cloak OR Glowing Lizardscale Cloak [Enchant Cloak: Lesser Agility] OR [Enchant Cloak: Superior Defense] OR [Enchant Cloak: Greater Resistance]
- Chest – Blackened Defias Armor OR (Alliance)Tunic of Westfall [Enchant Chest: Greater Stats] Or [Enchant Chest: Major Health]
- Shoulders – Talbar Mantle OR Scouting Spaulders
- Legs – Leggings of the Fang OR Dark Leather Pants OR Scouting Trousers [Libram of Constitution] OR [Lesser Arcanum of Voracity]
- Waist – Deviate Scale Belt
- Wrist – Beetle Clasps [Enchant Bracer: Superior Stamina]
- Hands – Scouting Gloves OR Rigid Gloves OR Gloves of the Fang [Enchant Gloves: Superior Agility] OR [Enchant Gloves: Greater Agility]
- Feet – Feet of the Lynx OR Footpads of the Fang [Enchant Boots: Minor Speed] OR [Enchant Boots: Greater Agility]
- Neck – Sentinel’s Medallion
- Ring 1 – (Alliance)Seal of Wrynn OR (Horde)Seal of Sylvanas OR Lavishly Jeweled Ring
- Ring 2 – (Alliance)Protector’s Band OR (Horde)Legionnaire’s Band OR Meadow Ring
- Shield –
- Quiver & Ammo Pouch – Quiver of the Night Watch OR Bandolier of the Night Watch
- Arrows/Bullets – Feathered Arrow OR Exploding Shot
- Off- Hand – Furbolg Medicine Pouch
- 1-Hand Weapon – Shadowfang + Assassin’s Blade OR (Alliance)Protector’s Sword + Sentinel’s Blade OR (Horde)Legionnaire’s Sword + Scout’s Blade [Enchant Weapon: Agility]
- 2-Hand Weapon – Venomstrike OR Lil Timmy’s Peashooter OR (Alliance)Outrunner’s Bow OR (Horde)Outrider’s Bow [Standard Scope] OR [Accurate Scope]
- Trinket 1 – Arena Grand Master OR Minor Recombobulator
- Trinket 2 – Insignia of the Alliance OR Insignia of the Horde
WoW Classic Twink Hunter Talent Build Guide
As you might expect from what is considered one of the Best Twink Classes in Classic WoW we have 4 Hunter Talent Builds to use for Twinking at level 19. First, is our recommend Talent Spec which uses Aspect of the Hawk and Improved Concussive Shot, the next 2 are other DPS variant builds. Lastly is the Beast Mastery which can be a fun one so long as you have a good pet to go with it.
Best Twink Hunter DPS Spec
Marksmanship DPS
Balanced Spec
Beast Mastery Spec
Strength and Weaknesses
Below we list some of the Pros and Cons / Strength and Weakness of the Hunter Class in general.
- Strength – Strong PVP Class.
- Strength – One of the Best Twink Classes.
- Strength – Good Mobility.
- Weakness – Lack of Self-healing Abilities.
- Weakness – Uses Ammo.
You can view other Twink Gear Build Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.
You can view even more WoW Classic Hunter Build Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.
Hunter PVP Builds
Hunter Leveling Guide
Hunter Marksmanship Builds
Hunter Survival Builds
Hunter Beast Mastery Builds
You can view more WoW Classic Class Guides by Clicking/Tapping the links below.