Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Subtlety Rogue Build for Classic WoW in patch 1.12, this Talent Guide will detail the Gear Stats you should focus in building up and what Races we consider to be the best choice. We also have an image of the Talent Tree Build we think you should use for the best performance with this spec.
Subtlety Rogue Best Race
We recommend using the Orc, Dwarves and even Undead are all strong choices for the Subtlety Rogue if for some reason you already rolled Troll or Gnome they are very solid choices as well. Humans and Night Elf are alright but not recommended choices, they are fine if you really like those races.
- Best –
- Average –
Night Elf
- Weak –
- Not Available –
World of Warcraft Classic Best Subtlety Rogue Build
Subtlety Rogue Stat Build
These are the best stats for Subtlety Rogue Spec and the gear you get for this spec will work for any of the Rogue Builds. Primary Stats these are the core stats for Subtlety Rogue Stats in WoW Classic 1.12, while Secondary Stats spirit which is helpful, because it increases you’re out of combat health regain, and then we have Other Stats then there is the stat intellect which helps increase your weapons level which is nice.
- Primary Stats [Agility] – [Strength] – [Attack Power] – [Stamina]
- Secondary Stats – [Spirit]
- Other Stats [Intellect]
WoW Classic Subtlety Rogue Talent Build Guide
This Rogue Subtlety Talent Build is built for PVP WoW Classic 1.12. This Talent Build has good DOT (Damage Over Time) from its Poison and Bleed you can further improve from the Subtlety Talent Tree. You have the Talent Exposed Armor which ignores the enemy Armor which very helpful when fighting Warrior and Paladin Class Specs.

Strength and Weaknesses
Below we list some of the Pros and Cons / Strength and Weakness of the Rogue Class in general.
- Strength – Stealth Class.
- Strength – One of the Best Melee DPS for PVP.
- Strength – Strong DOTs (Bleed/Poison).
- Weakness – No Self Healing.
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