Guides Pokedex

Pokemon Sword and Shield Roggenrola

Pokemon Sword and Shield Roggenrola is a Rock Type Mantle Pokémon, which makes it weak against Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass type moves. You can find and catch Roggenrola in Galar Mine with a 5% chance to appear during All Weather weather. The Max IV Stats of Roggenrola are 55 HP, 75 Attack, 25 SP Attack, 85 Defense, 25 SP Defense, and 15 Speed.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Roggenrola
Roggenrola Galar Pokedex ID: 168

List of Roggenrola Max IV Stats in Pokemon SW SH.

Stat Amount Bar Graph
Total 280
HP 55
Attack 75
Defense 85
Special Attack 25
Special Defense 25
Speed 15

Based on this pokemon's stats we consider the best nature for Roggenrola to have is Relaxed, this will increase it's Defense and decrease it's Speed stats.

Roggenrola Abilities

Ability Type Effect
Weak ArmorNormal
Sand ForceHidden

Sword Pokedex Entry

It’s as hard as steel, but apparently a long soak in water will cause it to soften a bit.

Shield Pokedex Entry

When it detects a noise, it starts to move. The energy core inside it makes this Pokémon slightly warm to the touch.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Roggenrola Evolutions

How do i get Roggenrola's evolution in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

Pokemon Sword and Shield Roggenrola evolves into Boldore when you reach Level 25. Boldore then evolves into its final evolution Gigalith with a Trade.

Level 25
Pokemon CP Atk Def Sp Atk Sp Def Hp Spd

Roggenrola Locations in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Where do i find and how to get Roggenrola?

A popular spawn location you can find Roggenrola is in the Galar Mine area with a 5% chance to spawn during All weather.

Overworld Spawns (Visible in-game)

Pokemon Location Weather Spawn Lvl
Galar Mine
5%11 - 14
Rolling Fields
20%8 - 10
Rolling Fields
80%8 - 10
Rolling Fields
20%8 - 10
Rolling Fields
20%8 - 10
Rolling Fields
80%8 - 10
Rolling Fields
20%8 - 10
Rolling Fields
20%8 - 10
Rolling Fields
80%8 - 10
Rolling Fields
20%8 - 10
Stony Wilderness - Area 2
15%28 - 30
Stony Wilderness - Area 2
15%28 - 30
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
10%16 - 21
Challenge Road
10%16 - 21
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
10%16 - 21
Challenge Road
10%16 - 21
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
10%16 - 21
Challenge Road
10%16 - 21
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
36%16 - 21
Challenge Road
10%16 - 21
Challenge Road
10%16 - 21
Route 8
10%39 - 41
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Cap
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Giant's Mirror
10%31 - 34
Lake of Outrage
30%55 - 58

Non Overworld Spawns (NOT Visible - Randomly found in tall grass)

Pokemon Location Weather Spawn Lvl
Galar Mine
5%11 - 15
Motostoke Outskirts
30%21 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Challenge Road
15%19 - 24
Stony Wilderness
20%26 - 28

Pokemon Sword and Shield Roggenrola Raids

Where do i find Roggenrola Raids?

You can find Roggenrola raids in the following locations: Dusty Bowl, Giant's Seat, Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness.

You can Click/Tap the links below to view where to find Roggenrola Raid Spawn Locations in Pokemon Sw and Sh.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Roggenrola Weakness

Roggenrola is a Rock Type pokemon. This will cause it to take More Damage from Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass Type Moves and will take Less Damage from Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire type moves.

Damage Types
Immune to Damage

What pokemon is Roggenrola Weak Against?

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 CP

What pokemon is Roggenrola Strong Against?

Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 CP

Pokemon SW and SH Roggenrola Moves List

What moves can Roggenrola learn from TMs, TRs, and Leveling?

Roggenrola can learn the type move at level . This move Bolded Pow numbers are adjusted for this pokemon's Rock type +50% STAB damage.

Roggenrola Level Up Moves

Lvl Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
01[] Sand Attack
01[] Tackle
04[] Harden
08[] Stealth Rock
12[] Mud-Slap
16[] Smack Down
20[] Iron Defense
24[] Headbutt
28[] Rock Slide
32[] Rock Blast
36[] Sandstorm
40[] Stone Edge
44[] Explosion

TM Moves Roggenrola can learn

TM Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
TM21RestStatus10User sleeps for 2 turns, but user is fully healed.
TM22Rock SlidePhysical112.59010May cause flinching.
TM24SnoreSpecial5010015Can only be used if asleep. May cause flinching.
TM25ProtectStatus10Protects the user, but may fail if used consecutively.
TM31AttractStatus10015If opponent is the opposite gender, it's less likely to attack.
TM32SandstormStatus10Creates a sandstorm for 5 turns.
TM39FacadePhysical7010020Power doubles if user is burned, poisoned, or paralyzed.
TM48Rock TombPhysical909515Lowers opponent's Speed.
TM49Sand TombPhysical358515Traps opponent, damaging them for 4-5 turns.
TM54Rock BlastPhysical37.59010Hits 2-5 times in one turn.
TM76RoundSpecial6010015Power increases if teammates use it in the same turn.
TM81BulldozePhysical6010020Lowers opponent's Speed.

Roggenrola TR Moves

TR Move Type Class Pow Acc PP Effect
TR10EarthquakePhysical10010010Power is doubled if opponent is underground from using Dig.
TR20SubstituteStatus10Uses HP to creates a decoy that takes hits.
TR26EndureStatus10Always left with at least 1 HP, but may fail if used consecutively.
TR27Sleep TalkStatus10User performs one of its own moves while sleeping.
TR46Iron DefenseStatus15Sharply raises user's Defense.
TR67Earth PowerSpecial9010010May lower opponent's Special Defense.
TR70Flash CannonSpecial8010010May lower opponent's Special Defense.
TR75Stone EdgePhysical150805High critical hit ratio.
TR76Stealth RockStatus20Damages opponent switching into battle.
TR79Heavy SlamPhysical10010The heavier the user, the stronger the attack.
TR99Body PressPhysical8010010The higher the user's Defense, the stronger the attack.

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