Vacuum Slice
Skill Type:
Affinity Type:
FP Cost18
Equipment That Can Use
Ash of War
Ash of War AffinityQuality:
Balances Strength and Dexterity Scaling
Reduces Base damage

Elden Ring Vacuum Slice is a Normal Skill, and can be found on . You can also use Ash of War Vacuum Slice to apply the skill to weapons of that same type.

Description: This Ash of War grants an armament the Quality affinity and the following skill: Vacuum Slice: Lost skill of ancient heroes. Hold the armament aloft to surround it with a shearing vacuum, then launch it forwards as a blade-like projectile. Usable on swords and axes (small and colossal axes excepted).

What It Does: Hold the armament aloft to surround it with a shearing vacuum, then launch it forwards as a blade-like projectile.

Navigate this Vacuum Slice Guide using the links below.

Where To Find and How To Get Vacuum Slice Skill in Elden Ring

Where To Find the Vacuum Slice Skill in ER.

Method How To Get
Deeproot Depths
Equipment That Can Use
Normal Skills similar to Vacuum Slice