Pokemon Sword and Shield Stats

This Pokemon Sword and Shield Stats Guide will explain IVs and what each stats does for your pokemon. We go through each one ATK, SP ATK, DEF, SP DEF, SPD, HP, and point out the importance of the difference between Special and Physical Attacks. This page will be updated with the most recent information available.


Pokemon Sword and Shield Stats

Below we explain Pokemon Sword and Shield Stats and how they affect your pokemon’s Damage and Defense when you battle others. Understand how the difference between Special Attack and regular Attack, helps you better understand what moves you should use. Since pokemon moves can be either Physical or Special Type, it’s important to use the Special Moves if the pokemon has a really high Special Attack Stat value.

  • HP (Health Points) – The amount of damage a Pokémon can receive before fainting.
  • Attack – The amount of damage a Pokémon deals when using a physical move.
  • Special Attack – The amount of damage a Pokémon deals when using a special move.
  • Defense – Determines the amount of damage a Pokémon receives when it is hit with a physical move.
  • Special Defense – Determines the amount of damage a Pokémon receives when it is hit with a special move.
  • Speed – Pokémon with higher Speed will attack first at the start of the turn.

All of these Pokemon Sword and Shield Stats help form whats called the IV (Individual values), using IVs player can determine how strong their pokemon’s hidden stats are.

Pokemon Sword and Shield IVs

As we mentioned earlier stats like ATK, SP ATK, etc can help players determine how “Perfect” their pokemon is. A pokemon with a “Perfect” IV might reach over 200 Special Attack, were as a pokemon with a “Not Good” IV won’t even reach 150 Special Attack. Why is this? you might be asking well ill tell you about this extra bit of RNG within pokemon games.

Just as random of a chance you might find a “Weedle” or “Caterpie” and if you are really lucky a “Bulbasaur” while walking through grass in the game, the same can be said to finding a “Average” “Not Good” or if you are really lucky a “Perfect” IV Pokemon. Measuring stats like SP ATK, DEF, HP for that specific pokemon at its current level is how player determine just how good their pokemon’s IV is.


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