Pokemon Quest Cooking

Welcome to our Pokemon Quest Cooking Recipes List, to get pokemon to appear you need to create/cook dishes. Using this Pokemon Quest Recipes Guide you can attract electric, fire and even water type pokemon.


You can Tap any Pokemon Image to view their Recipes, Moves, Bingo Sets and Evolutions

The better the Cooking Recipes and the better the Pot, the higher level of pokemon you can receive. This will make reaching the Level you need to Evolve Pokemon much easier. We also made a Quick Navigation below to help you find the recipe type you need faster.

Pokemon Quest Recipe Amounts

      • Normal Pot – Requires 3 of each ingredient = Level 1-5
      • Bronze Pot – Requires 10 of each ingredient = Level 15-40
      • Silver Pot – Requires 15 of each ingredient = Level 40-70
      • Gold Pot – Requires 20 of each ingredient = Level 70+

      Pokemon Quest Cooking Pot

      Pot Stat Bonus IV Range How To Unlock
      Normal Pot 0 0-10 Tutorial
      Bronze Pot +50 0-50 Complete Backforth Brook
      Silver Pot +100 0-100 Complete Pincushion Plain
      Gold Pot +300 0-100 Complete Chamber of Legends

      The Higher Quality the Pokemon Quest Recipes the rarer of a pokemon will appear.


Pokemon Quest Cooking Recipes

Dish Name Recommended Recipe Pokemon List
Mulligan Stew a la Cube Attracts Any Pokemon
Normal 2x Tiny Mushroom 3x Fossil
Good 2x Tiny Mushroom 1x Bulk Berry 1x Apricorn 1x Honey
VeryGood 1x Tiny Mushroom 1x Bulk Berry 1x Big Root 1x Icy Rock 1x Honey
Special 3x Balm Mushroom 1x Icy Rock 1x Honey
Red Stew a la Cube Attracts Red Pokemon
Normal 5x Tiny Mushroom
Good 4x Tiny Mushroom 1x Balm Mushroom
VeryGood 2x Tiny Mushroom 2x Big Root 1x Balm Mushroom
Special 5x Big Root
Charmander Spearow Vulpix Paras Diglett Mankey Growlithe Slowpoke Farfetchd Doduo Krabby Voltorb Hitmonchan Lickitung Goldeen Jynx Magmar Pinsir Eevee Porygon Kabuto
Blue Soda a la Cube Attracts Blue Pokemon
Normal 5x Bulk Berry
Good 4x Bulk Berry 1x Balm Mushroom
VeryGood 2x Bulk Berry 2x Icy Rock 1x Balm Mushroom
Special 4x Icy Rock 1x Balm Mushroom
Squirtle Caterpie Rattata Ekans NidoranF Poliwag Machop Tentacool Grimer Koffing Tangela Horsea Magikarp Lapras Ditto Omanyte Dratini
Yellow Curry a la Cube Attracts Yellow Pokemon
Normal 5x Apricorn
Good 4x Apricorn 1x Big Root
VeryGood 2x Apricorn 2x Honey 1x Big Root
Special 4x Honey 1x Big Root
Bulbasaur Weedle Pidgey Pikachu Sandshrew Meowth Psyduck Abra Bellsprout Ponyta Drowzee Hitmonlee Kangaskhan Staryu Scyther Electabuzz Snorlax
Gray Porridge a la Cube Attracts Gray Pokemon
Normal 5x Fossil
Good 4x Fossil 1x Icy Rock
VeryGood 2x Fossil 2x Balm Mushroom 1x Icy Rock
Special 4x Balm Mushroom 1x Icy Rock
NidoranM Clefairy Jigglypuff Zubat Oddish Venonat Geodude Magnemite Seel Shellder Gastly Onix Exeggcute Cubone Rhyhorn Chansey Mr. Mime Tauros Aerodactyl
Mouth-Watering Dip a la Cube Attracts Water Pokemon
Normal 1x Tiny Mushroom 1x Apricorn 3x Bulk Berry
Good 3x Bulk Berry 1x Apricorn 1x Balm Mushroom
VeryGood 2x Bulk Berry 1x Icy Rock 2x Balm Mushroom
Special 3x Icy Rock 2x Balm Mushroom
Squirtle Psyduck Poliwag Tentacool Slowpoke Seel Shellder Krabby Horsea Goldeen Staryu Magikarp Lapras Omanyte Kabuto
Plain Crepe a la Cube Attracts Normal Pokemon
Normal 3x Bulk Berry 2x Fossil
Good 2x Bulk Berry 2x Fossil 1x Honey
VeryGood 2x Bulk Berry 1x Honey 2x Balm Mushroom
Special 3x Honey 2x Balm Mushroom
Pidgey Rattata Spearow Jigglypuff Meowth Farfetchd Doduo Lickitung Chansey Kangaskhan Tauros Ditto Eevee Porygon Snorlax
Sludge Soup a la Cube Attracts Poison Pokemon
Good 3x Tiny Mushroom 1x Fossil 1x Balm Mushroom
VeryGood 2x Tiny Mushroom 2x Balm Mushroom 1x Icy Rock
Special 1x Rainbow Matter 3x Balm Mushroom 1x Tiny Mushroom
Bulbasaur Weedle Ekans NidoranM NidoranF Zubat Oddish Venonat Bellsprout Tentacool Grimer Gastly Koffing
Mud Pie a la Cube Attracts Ground Pokemon
Normal 3x Tiny Mushroom 2x Fossil
Good 2x Bulk Berry 2x Fossil 1x Balm Mushroom
VeryGood 2x fossil 2x Big Root 1x Balm Mushroom
Special 2x Icy Rock 3x Balm Mushroom
Sandshrew Diglett Geodude Onix Cubone Rhyhorn
Veggie Smoothie a la Cube Attracts Grass Pokemon
Good 1x Tiny Mushroom 3x Apricorn 1x Big Root
VeryGood 2x Apricorn 3x Big Root
Special 1x Rainbow Matter 3x Big Root 1x Apricorn
Bulbasaur Oddish Paras Bellsprout Exeggcute Tangela
Honey Nectar a la Cube Attracts Bug Pokemon
Good 2x Bulk Berry 2x Honey 1x Apricorn
VeryGood 3x Honey 2x Bulk Berry
Special 3x Honey 1x Bulk Berry 1x Rainbow Matter
Caterpie Weedle Paras Venonat Scyther Pinsir
Brain Food a la Cube Attracts Psychic Pokemon
Normal 3x Bulk Berry 2x Apricorn
Good 2x Bulk Berry 2x Apricorn 1x Honey
VeryGood 1x Bulk Berry 1x Apricorn 1x Icy Rock 2x Honey
Abra Slowpoke Drowzee Exeggcute Mr. Mime Jynx
Stone Soup a la Cube Attracts Rock Pokemon
Normal 3x Apricorn 2x Fossil
Good 1x Balm Mushroom 2x Fossil 2x Apricorn
VeryGood 1x Balm Mushroom 2x Icy Rock 2x Fossil
Special 1x Rainbow Matter 3x Icy Rock 1x Apricorn
Geodude Onix Rhyhorn Omanyte Kabuto Aerodactyl
Light-as-Air Casserole a la Cube Attracts Flying Pokemon
Good 2x Big Root 3x Fossil
VeryGood 2x Fossil 2x Big Root 1x Icy Rock
Special 3x Icy Rock 2x Big Root
Pidgey Spearow Zubat Farfetchd Doduo Scyther Aerodactyl
Hot Pot a la Cube Attracts Fire Pokemon
Normal 2x Apricorn 3x Tiny Mushroom
Good 1x Balm Mushroom 2x Apricorn 2x Tiny Mushroom
VeryGood 2x Balm Mushroom 1x Big Root 1x Bulk Berry 1x Tiny Mushroom
Special 3x Balm Mushroom 2x Big Root
Charmander Vulpix Growlithe Ponyta Magmar
Watt a Risotto a la Cube Attracts Electric Pokemon
Good 2x Tiny Mushroom 1x Apricorn 2x Honey
VeryGood 1x Tiny Mushroom 1x Apricorn 1x Big Root 2x Honey
Special 2x Big Root 3x Honey
Pikachu Magnemite Voltorb Electabuzz
Get Swole Syrup a la Cube Attracts Fighting Pokemon
Good 2x Tiny Mushroom 1x Bulk Berry 2x Honey
VeryGood 1x Tiny Mushroom 1x Bulk Berry 2x Honey 1x Balm Mushroom
Mankey Machop Hitmonlee Hitmonchan
Ambrosia of Legends a la Cube Attracts Legendary Pokemon
Good 2x Tiny Mushroom 2x Bulk Berry 1x Mystical Shell
VeryGood 3x Fossil 1x Rainbow Matter 1x Mystical Shell
Special 1x Apricorn 2x Big Root 1x Rainbow Matter 1x Mystical Shell
Articuno Zapdos Moltres Mewtwo Mew

Pokemon Quest Cooking Recipes

Pokemon Quest Cooking Ingredients

These will be the items you use in the Pokemon Quest Cooking Recipes listed above.

Ingredient Description

Tiny Mushroom
Soft and small ingredients.

Big Root
Soft and precious ingredients.

Bluk Berry
Soft and small ingredients.

Icy Rock
Hard and precious ingredients.

Hard and small ingredients.

Soft and precious ingredients.

Hard and small ingredients.

Balm Mushroom
Soft and precious ingredients.

Rainbow Matter
Very precious ingredients that can substitute for any other ingredients.

Mystical Shell
Special Ingredient

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