Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar
Class Mammal
Size Large

Quick Overview

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar can be hunted and skinned for crafting materials, it's a Large sized Mammal animal. We recommend using a Rifle or a Sniper to hunt this animal. You can craft a Cougar's Paw Trinket at the Fence Shop using it's materials and cook the Big Game meal from hunting it, Cougar, Legendary Cougar.

You can Click/Tap the Names of Animals, Plants, Fish and even Locations to view more information about them.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar Locations

Every type of Cougar found in RDR2.

Using the best weapons to hunt a Cougar in Red Dead 2, will reward you with a Perfect Quality Kill. Since this animal is carnivore you should use Predator Bait to attract it in the wild.

Cougar Perfect Quality Kill Weapons.

  • Use Predator Bait
  • Bow with Arrow
  • Bow with Poison Arrow
  • Throwable with Poison Throwing Knife
  • Rifle with Regular
  • Rifle with Split Point
  • Rifle with High Velocity
  • Rifle with Express
  • Sniper with Regular
  • Sniper with Split Point
  • Sniper with High Velocity
  • Sniper with Express

Regular Cougar Locations

    RDR2 Cougar Locations

    RDR2 Legendary Cougar Locations

    Legendary Cougar materials can be used to craft Talismans or Trinkets. You can view other types of Legendary Animals HERE.

    • You can find Legendary Cougar at Gaptooth Ridge, just west from Tumbleweed
    RDR2 Legendary Cougar Locations


    • Cougars are native to the states of New Austin, West Elizabeth and remote forested sections of New Hanover.
    • As carnivores, they prey on deer, elk, moose, and mountain goats.
    • The easiest way to take down a cougar of this size is by either using a Bow with Poison Arrows or a rifle.
    • Their fangs can be used for crafting and their meat can be used as food.

    Locations where you can find:


    Legendary Cougar

    • The Legendary Cougar is native to Gaptooth Ridge in New Austin.
    • The unique black fur makes this cougar easily recognizable.
    • As a carnivore, it preys on deer, elk, moose, and mountain goats.
    • Long distance weapons like rifles, or a Bow with Poison Arrows, are recommended for hunting as the vicious nature of cougars means they are prone to attack.
    • Killing this animal will give you the opportunity to craft a rare trinket.

    Locations where you can find:


    Cougar Cooking Recipes

    Cooking recipes you can use with this animal.

    Recipe Name Regular Thyme Type Oregano Type Mint Type
    Big Game Plain Big Game Thyme Big Game Oregano Big Game Minty Big Game

    Cougar Materials

    The materials you will receive from hunting and skinning an Cougar will depend on the animal quality and kill quality.

    Material Cost Kill Quality
    Good Cougar Carcass $8.1 Good Kill
    Legendary Cougar Carcass $50 Legendary Only
    Poor Cougar Carcass $5.4 Poor Kill
    Perfect Cougar Fur $5 Perfect Kill
    Legendary Cougar Pelt $47 Legendary Only
    Good Cougar Fur $3 Good Kill
    Poor Cougar Fur $2 Poor Kill
    Perfect Cougar Carcass $13.5 Perfect Kill
    Big Game Meat $0.75 Any
    Cougar Fang $0.5 Any
    Legendary Cougar Fang $0 Legendary Only

    Red Dead Redemption 2 Cougar Crafting

    What you can make from Cougar crafting materials.

    Trapper Crafting

    Item Name Pricing How to unlock
    Legendary Cougar/Wolf Vest $42.00 Legendary Cougar Pelt, Legendary Wolf Pelt
    Cougar Cutaway Coat $39.00 Perfect Cougar Pelt x2, Perfect Black Bear Pelt
    Rustic Vest $23.00 Perfect Cougar Pelt
    Legendary Cougar Riding Gloves $20.00 Legendary Cougar Pelt, Perfect Boar Pelt
    Legendary Cougar Flop Hat $19.00 Legendary Cougar Pelt, Turkey Feather x2
    Cougar McClelland Saddle $110.00 Perfect Cougar Pelt

    Fence Crafting

    Recipe Name Effect How to obtain Type Price
    Cougar's Paw Trinket Raises Stamina XP gain by 10% Legendary Cougar Fang Stamina $20.5

    Where to find these Special Crafting Materials

    Ingredient How to get

    Camp Crafting

    Used for It makes Crafting ingredients
    Arthur's Lodging Cougar Pelt Covered Chest 2x Perfect Cougar Pelt
    Satchel Legend of the East Satchel (Complete all Stachel Upgrade) - Perfect Deer Pelt, Perfect Cougar Pelt, Perfect Wolf Pelt

    Item Crafting

    Recipe Name Ingredients Where to find Description