Guides Pokedex

Pokemon Lets Go Drowzee

Drowzee Pokedex ID: 96
Stat Amount Bar Graph
Max CP 328
Attack 48
Special Attack 43
Defense 45
Special Defense 90
HP 60
Speed 42


Pokemon Let's Go Drowzee is a Psychic Type pokemon also known as a Hypnosis Pokémon, first discovered in the Kanto region. it's weak against Bug, Ghost, Dark type moves and has a Max CP of 328, 60 HP, 48 Attack, 43 SP Attack, 45 Defense, 90 SP Defense and 42 Speed. Considering it's stats, the best nature to have is Sassy, this will increase it's Sp. Def and decrease it's Speed stats.

Pokedex Entry

A Pokémon that nourishes itself by eating dreams, it is thought to share common ancestry with Munna and Musharna.

Pokemon Lets Go Drowzee Evolutions

What level does Pokemon Let's Go Drowzee Evolve at?

The Unevolved Form Drowzee Evolves at level 26 into Hypno.

First Second Third Final
26 Hypno483

How to catch Drowzee in Pokemon Let's Go

Where to catch and find Pokemon Lets Go Drowzee Locations and their Spawn Rate Chance for that Zone.

The best place to find pokemon let's go Drowzee is in the Cerulean Cave zone, it will have a Rare Spawn% chance to spawn in the area with a level range of 51-56. This also makes Cerulean Cave the best place to Catch Combo Chain hunt Shiny Drowzee or for a Flawless IV Stats.

Pokemon Area Spawn Chance Levels Encounter Floor
Route 11 25% 13-18 normal 1F

The list above shows all the spawn locations of this pokemon and it's evolution forms.

Transferring and Catching

The type of Pokemon Candy you receive from Transferring and Catching Drowzee.

Best Nature for Drowzee

We recommend a Sassy Nature for Drowzee, you can visit Madam Celadon to force encounter pokemon of Sassy Nature.

Nature Increases Decreases Choice 1 Choice 2
Sassy Sp. Def Speed Green Pink

Pokemon Lets Go Drowzee Moves

Level Up Moves

Pokemon Let's Go Drowzee Moves You Learn From Leveling Up.

LVL Move Type Class Pow PP Acc Effect
1 Hypnosis Psychic None -- 20 60% Puts the target to sleep.
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 35 100% Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.
4 Disable Normal None -- 20 100% Disables the target's last used move for 1-8 turns.
9 Confusion Psychic Special 50 25 100% Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.
13 Poison Gas Poison None -- 40 80% Poisons the target.
18 Meditate Psychic None -- 40 -- Raises the user's Attack by one stage.
22 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 20 100% Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.
27 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 15 100% Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch.
31 Psychic Psychic Special 90 10 100% Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.
36 Nasty Plot Dark None -- 20 -- raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.
40 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 15 100% Only works on sleeping Pokemon. Heals the user by half the damage inflicted.

Learnable TMs Moves

These are the Technical Machines (TM) Moves that Drowzee can Learn.

Item Move Type Class Pow PP Acc Effect
TM1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 15 100% Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch.
TM2 Taunt Dark None -- 20 100% Opponent can only use moves that attack.
TM4 Teleport Psychic None -- 20 -- Immediately ends wild battles. No effect otherwise.
TM5 Rest Psychic None -- 10 -- User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.
TM6 Light Screen Psychic None -- 30 -- Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns..
TM7 Protect Normal None -- 10 -- prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking, for the duration of the turn. It has priority +4 so will activate before most other moves.
TM8 Substitute Normal None -- 10 -- Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.
TM9 Reflect Psychic None -- 20 -- Reduces damage from physical attacks by half.
TM12 Facade Normal Physical 70 20 100% deals damage, and hits with double power (140) if the user is burned, poisoned or paralyzed.
TM13 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 15 100% deals damage, but removes the effects of Reflect and Light Screen before attacking.
TM15 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical 1 20 100% Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.
TM16 Thunder Wave Electric None -- 20 100% Paralyzes the target.
TM21 Foul Play Dark Physical 95 15 100% uses the opponent's Attack stat instead of the user's in damage calculation. In other words, the move acts as if the target is attacking themselves, and thus is more powerful when the opponent has higher Attack.
TM23 Thunder Punch Electric Physical 75 15 100% deals damage and has a 10% chance of paralyzing the target.
TM27 Toxic Poison None -- 10 90% Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.
TM28 Tri Attack Normal Special 80 10 100% Has a 20% chance to burn, freeze, or paralyze the target.
TM31 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 15 100% Has a 10% chance to burn the target.
TM32 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 80 10 100% deals damage and hits all adjacent opponents in double/triple battles.
TM33 Calm Mind Psychic None -- 20 -- raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by one stage each.
TM35 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 15 100% Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.
TM40 Psychic Psychic Special 90 10 100% Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.
TM43 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 15 100% deals damage and has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
TM59 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 15 100% Only works on sleeping Pokemon. Heals the user by half the damage inflicted.

Master Trainer

This Pokemon's Master Trainer is Anton

Weak Against
Strong Against