Pokemon Go Breeding

Pokémon Go breeding is a method of obtaining a Pokémon by producing an Egg that later will hatch into a pokemon who inherits traits from their poke parents.

First, you must find two compatible Pokemon, this is important since in previous this would increase your chances of receiving an Egg. Things like if they are the same species help make Pokemon more compatible.

Pokemon Go Breeding

In older installments, When receiving an egg, you will have a chance rate.

Chance Rate to Receive Egg
70% (88%) – They get along Very Well
50% (80%) – They Seem to get Along
20% (40%) – They don’t Like each other very much
0% – They prefer others

 Pokemon Go Breeding is a feature that Niantic are currently discussing adding to Pokemon Go.

Egg Breeding

Similar to the current eggs you receive at Pokestops in pokemon go, Egg breeding will produce an egg that you will then hatch by traveling a specific distance (2KM, 5KM & 10KM). The exact amount of Km is still unknown as well as the date that this feature will come to Pokemon Go.

Benefits of Egg Breeding In Pokemon Go Pokemon For Poke Eggs:

For starters, you will get an egg, on top of others bonuses your egg bread Poke will receive.

  • Passing Moves/Abilities down

Certain moves can be passed down from the Pokemon “Parents”. This will be restricted based on the poke, for example, Magikarp can’t learn hydro pump.

This can be used to breed the ideal Lapras with Perfect MovesetsThis can help players obtain the same poke, but with higher VI ratings since egg mons have higher IV’s.

  • Inheriting Stats

The Pokemon’s IV’s are passed down onto the egg hatch Poke. These hatched Poke will Inherit the Poke Parents Stats both good and bad stats.

You Can Learn Everything About Pokemon GO Eggs Here
Pokemon Go Egg Chart

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