Guides Animal List

Red Dead Redemption 2 Smallmouth Bass

Red Dead Redemption 2 Smallmouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Class Fish
Size Fish

Quick Overview

Red Dead Redemption 2 Smallmouth Bass can be fished using a bait or lure, which you can purchase from the Bait and Tackle shop. You can cook it into a Flaky Fish meal or Mail them to Jeremy Gill for rewards.

  • Legendary Weight - 22 lbs 6 oz
  • Regular Weight - 4.0 - 6.0 lbs

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Smallmouth Bass Locations

    The best lures or bait to use when fishing for Smallmouth Bass in Red Dead 2.

    • Special Lake Lure
    • Crickets

    Regular Smallmouth Bass Locations

    • Can be found in Northern and Southern Rivers - During Rain Weather
    RDR2 Smallmouth Bass Locations

    RDR2 Legendary Smallmouth Bass Locations

    Legendary Smallmouth Bass are caught and sent through the mail.
    • You can find the Legendary Smallmouth Bass west of strawberry, at the Owanjila Lake (Recommended: Special Lake Lure)
    RDR2 Legendary Smallmouth Bass Locations

    Smallmouth Bass

    • Smallmouth Bass are commonly seen in northern rivers.
    • They prefer natural baits, such as crickets, over lures.
    • Larger and tougher than Rock Bass, Smallmouth Bass can put up quite a fight once hooked.
    • They seem to be most active during rain.
    • A Legendary Smallmouth Bass is said to live in western Big Valley.

    Locations where you can find:


    Legendary Smallmouth Bass

    • The Legendary Smallmouth Bass can be found in the waters of Owanjila.
    • Special Lake Lures or River Lures should be used for a successful catch.
    • Locals have stated that this fish is most active when it is raining.
    • Local fishermen have estimated the size of the Legendary Smallmouth Bass to be around fifty inches long and weighing in at over twenty pounds.

    Locations where you can find:


    Smallmouth Bass Cooking Recipes

    Cooking recipes you can use with this animal.

    Recipe Name Regular Thyme Type Oregano Type Mint Type
    Flaky Fish Plain Flaky Fish Thyme Flaky Fish Oregano Flaky Fish Minty Flaky Fish

    Smallmouth Bass Materials

    The materials you will receive from hunting and skinning an Smallmouth Bass will depend on the animal quality and kill quality.

    Material Cost Kill Quality