Red Dead Redemption 2 Horse

Quick Overview

Red Dead Redemption 2 Horse can be hunted and skinned for crafting materials, it's a sized animal. We recommend using a or a to hunt this animal. You can cook the meal from hunting it, . it's not a Legendary Animal.

You can Click/Tap the Names of Animals, Plants, Fish and even Locations to view more information about them.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Horse Locations

Every type of Horse found in RDR2.

    Using the best weapons to hunt a Horse in Red Dead 2, will reward you with a Perfect Quality Kill. Since this animal is you should use to attract it in the wild.

    Horse Perfect Quality Kill Weapons.

    • Use

      Regular Horse Locations

        There's currently no Legendary version of this animal.


        Horse Cooking Recipes

        Cooking recipes you can use with this animal.

        Recipe Name Regular Thyme Type Oregano Type Mint Type

        Horse Materials

        The materials you will receive from hunting and skinning an Horse will depend on the animal quality and kill quality.

        Material Cost Kill Quality

        Red Dead Redemption 2 Horse Crafting

        What you can make from Horse crafting materials.

        Trapper Crafting

        Item Name Pricing How to unlock

        Fence Crafting

        Recipe Name Effect How to obtain Type Price

        Where to find these Special Crafting Materials

        Ingredient How to get

        Camp Crafting

        Used for It makes Crafting ingredients

        Item Crafting

        Recipe Name Ingredients Where to find Description

        Other Animals