Pokemon GO Nest

What Is Pokemon Go Nest?

Like the name indicates Pokemon Go Nests are locations where a Specific Pokemon have a high spawn rate.

Example of a Pinsir Pokemon GO Nest

Pokemon Go Nests can be located any multiple areas, so keep your eye out for Charmander Nest and Dratini Nest.

List of Pokemon that can be found within Nest Spawns.


What Is A Pokemon GO Biome?

A Pokemon GO Biome is a fairly large area where a specific Pokémon Elemental Type is found. A normal sized Pokemon GO Biome can be as large as a few neighborhood blocks. Some Pokemon GO Biomes are as small as a beach where water and fire types can be found, man-made city, or even a local lake. A city can have multiple Biomes; this can vary based on the size of the city and available Pokemon GO Biomes. It’s also possible that Biomes overlap one another or that two neighboring Biomes have some Pokémon in common.

What Is A Pokemon GO Spawn?

A spawn is an exact location where a Pokémon can spawn. Spawns pop in a timely manner & sometimes have Respawn Timers. Spawns are throughout, including within nests. Certain areas have be known to have much larger amounts of spawns compared to other lesser areas. We see large cities and beach areas have many more spawns, while rural areas or neighborhoods have less overall.

What Is A Pokemon GO Nest?

A Pokemon GO nest is a small area where a particular Pokémon is very common. Rarely, a nest is not a park and or some area public area. The nest Pokémon will have their own spawn points within their nest; not sharing the same ones with the Regular Pokémon of the Biome it’s located within. Pokemon GO Nest Spawns, unlike regular spawns, are not in an exact location every time. Their location may varies slightly each time, but will always spawn near or within their Pokemon GO nest location. Nest Spawns,  At times, have be known to go dormant for serval of minutes and in some cases even hours. At times, all nest spawns within a Pokemon GO nest go dormant leading to a “dead spawn”.

Small nests have little to very few nest spawns, while much larger nests have lots more Nest Pokemon Spawning.

Pokemon GO Nest FAQ?

Does using Lures or Incense work on Pokemon GO Nest Pokemon?

Nope, they will only attract Pokemon related to the Biome you are currently within.

 Are Nest Pokemon Weaker if they are found within a Pokemon GO Nest?

Yup, it would appear that most Nest Spawn Pokemon Averaging around 30% IVs. compared to other regular pokemon having an average of 50-60% IV. While Egg Pokemon have the highest at average around 80% IV.

If you are interested in viewing more Pokemon GO Spawn Locations based on Poke Biomes.

Pokemon Go Spawn Locations

Pokemon Go Nests