Trundle Synergy for Patch 14.21
LoL Best Trundle Synergy Champions & Stats for Top role. Find best champions with the highest win rates when played and paired with Trundle in team comps for LoL Patch 14.21. Trundle is ranked as a Tier pick in Top.
Solo Queue


Win Rate
Play Rate
Ban Rate
Trundle Jungle Synergy
The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Trundle are Viego, Taliyah, and .
Trundle Mid Synergy
The 3 best Mid Lane Synergy picks good with Trundle are Hwei, Yasuo, and Ahri.
Trundle ADC Synergy
The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Trundle are Ezreal, Jinx, and Caitlyn.
Trundle Support Synergy
The 3 best Support Synergy picks good with Trundle are Lulu, Nautilus, and Blitzcrank.
Winrate by Game Duration
Game End Times by Duration
Gold Accumulation Over Time
Lane Minions Killed Per Minute