Red Dead Redemption 2 Ghost Orchid
Ghost Orchid

Quick Overview

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ghost Orchid is a collectable plant that can be harvested and gather, Identifiable by the ghost like flower. Plants can be potentially crafted into seasonings for cooking, poison weapons, medicine, tonics and elixirs at a Campfire using Pamphlet recipes.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ghost Orchid Where to find

Where to find Ghost Orchid Locations.

Ghost Orchid

  • The Ghost Orchid is native to Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne.
  • The orchidelirium trend has meant that this rare orchid is extremely valuable to collectors and botanists.
  • This small orchid grows in shaded areas, such as woodlands, and under leaves and soil, with only the flower appearing above ground.
  • (Dendrophylax Lindenii) The Ghost Orchid is named after the white to pale pink flowers that can be seen in shaded habitats.
  • Identifiable by the ghost like flower.

Locations where you can find:
