Augments Good With Tap Dancer

We recommend using the following augments with Tap Dancer.

Tap Dancer
Tap Dancer
Your Attacks grant you 10 Move Speed, stacking infinitely. Gain Bonus Attack Speed equal to 10% of your Movement Speed.
Augments Good With Tap Dancer


  • Deft


  • Banner of Command
  • Lightning Strikes


  • Chauffeur

Best Champions to use with Tap Dancer

These are the champions that benefit the most from the Tap Dancer Augment.

Best Items to use with Tap Dancer

These are the best items to use with the Tap Dancer Augment.

Items Good With
Berserker's Greaves
Phantom Dancer
Trinity Force
Runaan's Hurricane
Statikk Shiv
Wit's End
Rapid Firecannon
Frozen Heart
Nashor's Tooth
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Blade of The Ruined King
Spear Of Shojin
Guardian's Hammer
Ardent Censer