Augments Good With Ethereal Weapon

We recommend using the following augments with Ethereal Weapon.

Ethereal Weapon
Ethereal Weapon
Your abilities apply on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness (1 second cooldown per target).
Augments Good With Ethereal Weapon


  • Light 'em Up!
  • Typhoon


  • Blade Waltz

Best Champions to use with Ethereal Weapon

These are the champions that benefit the most from the Ethereal Weapon Augment.

Best Items to use with Ethereal Weapon

These are the best items to use with the Ethereal Weapon Augment.

Items Good With
Runaan's Hurricane
Wit's End
Nashor's Tooth
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Ardent Censer
Titanic Hydra
Divine Sunderer