

Transparency with everything we do

What to know

RankedBoost uses certain terms and phrases to describe our levels of advertiser support and involvement in the production and promotion of content on our website (rankedboost.com). There's different ways we refer to this type of content, We may use terms like "promoted", "advertisement" and "promotion". Below we list the descriptions of the disclosure you should know about for varies of categories that RankedBoost uses as of 1/1/2022.

If you see content around our website that doesn't have carry one of these disclosures, then it's editorial content produced by RankedBoost without any advertiser involvement. Also to know, Advertisers can target ads around content they want to be associated with. For example that's why you might see a Hearthstone ad on some Artifact content, there would be a label near the ad as "Advertisement".

Overview of Disclosures
  • Advertisement - Advertisement units that can appear in varies locations around the website. The advertiser pays a fee to our Ad Network partner (Venatus) to display their advertisement near our content. Venatus pays a portion of the earned revenue from advertisements to RankedBoost. Our content is created by our editorial team.

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