Red Dead Redemption 2 Tonics

Welcome to our Red Dead Redemption 2 Tonics List players will be able to craft a variety of Tonics in Red Dead 2. These Tonics will affect you in different ways, like healing you or restoring your Dead Eye Meter. You can view all of the Tonics and what ingredients you need to make them.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Tonic Recipes

The Red Dead Redemption 2 Tonic Recipe List will explain what each tonic does and how to make them.

Tonic Recipe What It Does
Chewing Tobacco
Chewing Tobacco
Cost: 6$
  Full restores Dead Eye and Fortifies Slightly. Slightly damages Dead Eye Core.
Potent Bitter
Cost: 5$
  Fortifies Stamina.
Potent Health Cure
Cost: 4.50$
  Fully restores Health and Fortifies moderately.
Potent Miracle Tonic
Cost: 7$
Fortified Health, Stamina, Dead Eye Moderately.
Potent Snake Oil
Cost: 5.50$
Fortified Dead Eye Moderately.
Cocaine Gum
Cost: 5$
Stamina Fortified Slightly, Stamina Core.
Snake Oil
Cost: 3.50$
Fortified Dead Eye Slightly
Hair Tonic
Cost: 3.75$
Used to Grow Hair
Miracle Tonic
Cost: 4$
Fortified Health, Stamina, Dead Eye Slightly
Hair Pomade
Cost: 1.50$
Used with Hair Styles
Health Cure
Cost: 2.50$
Fortified Health Slightly
Dr Claussen's Bitters
Dr.Claussen’s Bitters
Cost: 3$
Fortified Stamina Slightly

Not sure what to make with all those herbs?

Cooking Recipes

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