Overwatch Tier List
God Tier
(Heroes that are strong no matter what Team Composition – Player skill – Map.)
Since there are so few Heroes in Overwatch this tier will consist of the best Heroes due to Damage and Flexibility with any Team Composition and or Map.
- Mercy: Has the only ability in the game to resurrect all teammates. This is a very useful ability in any situation.
- McCree: One of the best offense heroes for defending if your in need of damage. McCree Ult when powered up can be a Game Changer in a battle that really matters.
- D.Va: Human piloted Mech done right, with a tank play style that feels more offensive then defensive.
- Mei: Tons of AOE CC and her strongest ability to summon a ice wall, Forcing the enemy Heroes into your Ultimate.
- Genji: High skill cap hero with a lot of potential for huge plays. Easily underestimated mobility thanks to his Swift Strike.
- Hanzo: Strong Hero pick with a high skill cap, Played similarly to Widowmaker. Thanks to his ability that provides vision it makes this hero extra potent as a team comp hero.
- Widowmaker: Difficult to play but a really strong hero to play and master in Overwatch. Every team can make very good use of Windowmaker and her Ult Vision.
- Pharah: Tons of mobility and lots of AOE Damage make this hero great for Attacking Payloads or Capture Points.
- Reinhardt: A walking Shield makes Reinhardt one the best Heroes for delivering the Payload or defending a capture Point. He also has some awesome Offensive abilities including a Ram and Knock back Projectile.
Tier 1
(Strong Heroes picks with the right Team Composition and or Map. These include objective game modes such as Payload and Capture Point.)
- Reaper: Reaper is a assassin style offense Hero, Temporary Invulnerability and a Teleport to get behind the enemy team for a flank with a High Damage AOE Ult.
- Tracer: Lots of Utility with a high skill cap meaning the better you are with her the stronger she is. as well as being a excellent hero for scouting the enemy teams positions.
- Zenyatta: AOE Heal and invulnerable Ability for a Ult, Paired excellently with Carry Heroes. The perfect support hero for players who want to do more then just heal/shield there teammates.
- Zarya: Lots of AOE with a Ultimate Ability that cleans house with the help of some other Damage sources.
- RoadHog: Strong Tank with a amazing ability to grab enemy players with literally a hook. Along with powerful self healing, Roadhog is among the Strongest of Tanks in overwatch.
- Bastion: Shares some similar features to Torbjörn, but is a more team based type of hero. Very Strong hero for Defending Capture Points and holding down Choke Points in the payload game mode.
- Junkrat: Tons of Utility and a overall fun Hero to play. Faster play style then Bastion and with his strength being stronger as a defense hero the further away a payload is.
- Lucio: A very useful support, with abilities that grants shields to nearby allies and Movement speed buffs. Another more active Support hero with probably one of the funniest play style in overwatch. Running on the sides of walls is more then enough of a reason to give this support a try.
Tier 2
(The Heroes in this Tier can be fun and strong but a lot of situation Conditionals would have to be met to make the most out of these Heroes.)
- Torbjörn: Turrets are very powerful, allowing you to establish a dominating presence in a area for you team. Its only much slower to move that same damage from location to location and thats if you endure peoples ability’s being throw at you and your immobile Turret.
- Soldier 76: Easily the best Offensive Hero for any player new to Overwatch. Easy to understand kit similar style to most major FPS’s.
- Winston: A tank with pros and cons but excellent choice as a hero for fighting in building areas.
- Symmetra: Excellent support with the ability to shield a ally and teleport a team across map.
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[total-poll id=17113]Since Overwatch has such different and varying Heroes using a Tier List will help keep you up to speed on what hero you should play based on your role to have the biggest or most impact in the game. Avoid playing under-powered Heroes by using this Tier List and instead know exactly what you should be playing to win.
Overwatch Guide
Based on the Map or Game-Mode any specific character can be the best overwatch hero. Hanzo for example is especially strong when escorting a payload thanks to his ultimate being able to clear out areas of enemy heroes. Pharah is even more godly on Maps with spots that she can Jet pack to reach and then processed to lay waste with her AOE Damage. Winston in small enclosed areas like inside buildings, allows him to smash players when they have very little places to retreat. Bastion at Choke Point areas that enemy players has to go threw during the Payload Game Mode is extremely potent.
Team Comps
Overwatch Team Composition: Team Comps are a selection of Heroes that are played at the same time, These heroes will often have a ability that help makes there Teammate hero ability’s that much stronger/Better.
Search and Destroy: Hanzo + Widowmaker
Hanzo – Sonic Arrow: Vision
Widowmaker – Infra- Sight: Vision
Game Changer: Zarya + McCree/Pharah/Hanzo
Zarya – Graviton Surge: Crowd Control (CC)
McCree – DeadEye: Damage
Hanzo – Dragonstrike: Damage
Pharah – Barrage: Damage
2 Tanks 1 Support: Mercy + Roadhog/Reinhardt
Objective Based Comp: Payload / Point Capture
Check-Mate: Torbjorn + Bastion
Obejective Based Comp: Defend the Payload / Point Capture
Overwatch Maps & Game Modes



Point Capture



Maps that are used for both Capture Point and Payload.


Attacking the Payload:
Widowmaker Bastion Junkrat Mei
Defending the Payload:
Reinhardt Tracer Lucio Mei
Attacking Capture Points:
Reinhardt Tracer Reaper Winston
Defending Capture Points:
Bastion Torbjorn Lucio Winston
Best Heroes in any Game Mode:
Mercy – Roadhog – McCree – Pharah – Hanzo
RankedBoost Overwatch Hero Tier List is always up-to-date with the newest heroes and patch changes. Below is easy reference on what Heroes you should be playing based on the Game Mode/Objective.
Thank you for viewing the Tier List and from everyone at RankedBoost we hope you enjoy using the Tier List.
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